Busy DOS

Busy works - so you can be Free

This is a complete software copy -in Winzip format. This software will work for three whole months. Moreover all the data that you enter here will be automatically transferred to the Licensed version. After downloading the file, double click it -or use PKUNZIP to unzip it. This will generate five files. Please run "Install.exe" in DOS mode to install BUSY. The software will create a directory BUSY on the targeted drive

Download Busy  DOS [Approx. 1.16MB Zip file]     BUSY is also available in Windows

Busy Features

Unmatched features; unflinching support



Easy to use
Completely Codeless

No need of creating confusing and difficult to remember codes for your Ledgers, Items  and Parties. BUSY identifies all these by their proper names.

Fully Menu Driven

Self explanatory single-screen main menu and intuitive sub-menus guide you through the complete package effortlessly.

Pop-up Help Windows

No need to enter the complete name of ledgers, Items, Groups, Units or any other pre-defined information. As soon as you press a key, a help window appears on the screen.

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Flexible Date Format
  Choose DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY format.
Flexible Financial Year Beginning Date
  Financial year beginning from 1st day of any month.
Flexible Voucher Numbering System

Voucher numbering can be enabled or disabled independently for each voucher type. If enabled, it can be set to Automatic or manual. In case of automatic numbering, you can specify the starting number, prefix and suffix.

User-definable Optional Fields in Vouchers

Up to 10 fields can be defined for each voucher type. You can generate filtered reports on the basis of these fields in QUERY SYSTEM.

Unlimited Level of Grouping of Ledgers, Items and Cost Centers

Group your Ledgers, Items and Cost Centers down to any level to create the hierarchy of information levels as needed by your organization.

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Busy - the result of man-years of managerial research

Multi Company Accounting
  Any number of companies can be created in BUSY.
Multiple Financial Years
  Unlimited number of financial years for each company.
Automatic Ledger Carrying to Successive Financial Years
  No month-end or year-closing procedures.
Bird's Eye View of Accounts

Zoom down from the balance Sheet, Stock Status or any other report right up to the voucher level. Make the corrections right here and see the effect ripple through to all books of accounts and statements.

Query System

A very powerful report generator designed to extract the information you need out of the whole sea of data.

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Comprehensive Financial Accounting

Busy- easy, friendly handling

All Books of Accounts
Trial Balance
Trading Account
Profit & Loss Account
Balance Sheet with various Schedules
Daily/Monthly Summaries of Accounts, Groups and Cost Centers
Daily balance of any A/c
Bill-by-bill Tracking of Party Accounts
Outstanding Reports and Analysis

Bill-wise Receivables and Payables, Bill-wise Statements of Accounts, Pending Bills and Overdue Bills Statements, Net Amount Receivables and Payables, Aging Analysis.

Payment Reminder Letter
  For sending Payment Reminder letters on the basis of their respective dues.
Interest calculation
  Calculation of interest on OVERDUE BILLS and on PRODUCT basis.
Depreciation chart
  Calculation of depreciation on fixed assets and printing of depreciation chart.
Bank Reconciliation
  Get a list of all uncleared cheques or a list of all cheques deposited/issued along with their respective clearing dates.
Cost Centers

A synonym for Profit Center, this feature can be used to determine department-wise, product-wise, region-wise or project-wise profitability. A transaction can be concurrently allocated to one or more Cost Centers.


Design the invoice of your choice using the unique invoice designing feature. Choose any size , style or placement of text. Create as many formats as you wish. You can even use pre-printed stationery.

Document Printing
  All types of Vouchers, Invoices, Debit Notes, Credit Notes, Receipts and Price Lists can be printed. Top of page


Mfg. Excise Reporting
PLA Register
  Maintains a record of payments made in PLA account and utilisation of the same.
RG23A-I Register

Maintains record of Raw Material Purchased and Consumed on daily basis.

RG23A-II Register

Maintains records of MODVAT claimed on purchases of Raw Materials and utilisation of the same.

RG23A-III Register
  Maintains records of MODVAT claimed on purchases of Capital Goods  and utilisation of the same.
RG-I Register
  Maintains records of Finished Goods Produced and Sold on daily basis.
Excise Duty Register
  Maintains record of all the entries related to the excise duty charged from the customers and the adjustments mode thereof. Top of page


Exhaustive Sales Tax Reporting

Busy - for busy entrepreneurs and managers

Sales Tax Declaration Forms Receivables/Issuables.
  Party-wise or Form-wise list of Sales Tax Forms Receivables/Issuables.
Sales Tax Summary

Summary of Sales and Sale Returns with respective Sales Tax for any period. [This report is to be submitted to Sales Tax department on monthly or quarterly basis].

Sales Tax Accounts Register

A register prescribed by the government to be maintained by all dealers. You can print separate registers for Local and Central sales tax or a combined one.

ST-2 Register
  ST-2 register ( Requisition and Utilization of Sales Tax Forms ) can be printed by BUSY.
Form-31 Register
  Required by UP State Sales Tax Dept.
Sales Tax Forms Reminder Letters
  Fully user-definable covering letter. Top of page


Inventory Management

Busy converts common sense into great accounting

All books of Inventory
Stock Status
  Stock at store, any workcenter or consolidated -is available as of any date.
Daily / Monthly Summaries on the basis of Items and Item Groups
  A very powerful tool to give a clear picture of daily/monthly movements of Items and Item groups.
Daily Balances of Any Item
  Item-wise Gross Profit
Primary and Alternate Unit for each Item.
  Define two units for each item. You can generate almost any report in both units.
Automatic Conversion of Different Units of Measurement
Stock Evaluation
Batch-wise Inventory

Batch-wise stock status, batch-wise statement of any item and expiry date report, a must for pharma industry.

Bill of  Material

Define the composition of products in terms of raw material. It will be used in updating the raw material stock at workcentre whenever finished goods are received from there.

Production Planning

Gives the quantity of  raw material to be purchased to produce a specified quantity of finished goods.

Critical Levels

Reorder Level, Minimum Level and Maximum Level reports. BUSY warns you whenever these levels are crossed.

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MIS Reports

Good Accounting - Good MIS - Good Profits

Cash Flow
  Complete analysis of inflow and outflow of Cash.
Funds Flow

Complete analysis of inflow and outflow of Working Capital -and thus the liquidity position of the company.


Define monthly and yearly budgets for Expenditure, Fixed Asset and Investment Accounts and Groups and get corresponding variance reports.


As with budgets, define monthly and yearly targets for sales and income Accounts and Groups and get corresponding variance reports.

Credit Limits

Define the credit limits for party Accounts and Groups and get corresponding variance reports.

Ratio Analysis

Single sheet summary of Liquidity Ratios, Leverage Ratios, Turnover Ratios and Profitability Ratios.

Sales Purchase Analysis
  Party-wise sales/purchase of any item/item-group and vice-versa for a specific date range.
Consolidated final Results

Consolidated trial balance, Trading Account, P&L Account and Balance sheet for a selected group of companies.

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From Manufacture to Distribution: Single Solution: Busy

Data Freezing
Pop-up Calculator
Multiple Level Password Security
Company-wise Data Backup and Restore Top of page


Hardware Requirements

Those who don't use Busy, remain forever busy!

The minimum hardware requirements to run BUSY is a PC-AT/386 with 4 MB RAM, 1.2/1.44 MB FDD, Hard Disk Drive with 10 MB of free space and a printer. However, the recommended configuration is PC-AT/486 with 8 MB RAM and a printer.


Operating Environment
BUSY is available in MS-DOS (ver 3.30 or above) and LAN platforms.

BUSY is also available in Windows

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Those who don't use Busy, remain forever busy!

This powerful software is now available completely FREE for three months.
For downloading a fully functional, single-user with inventory copy, click below:

Download Busy [Approx. 1.16MB Zip file]   

Don't buy blindly: first evaluate. For free.